Hungry Tomato

Stickmen's Guide to the Ocean-Uncovered: From the Sunlight Zone to the Darkest Depths

型號: hungrytomato010
存貨狀態: 現貨產品
90 積分回贈
96 積分回贈


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關鍵字 Stickmen's Guide to Science Animals STEAM Geography and Environment Earth Science P5-P6

Splash with the Stickmen at the sea's surface, then sink down through the darkening zones to the black abyss - where boiling hot vents support amazing life forms. And you still haven't reached the bottom...

- Snorkel around coral gardens
- Find creatures that make their own light
- Explore the seabed and meet the giant squid
- Dive 11 km (7 miles) down to the deepest trench

The Stickmen bring you up close to the Ocean's mightiest - and strangest - creatures, as you swim past humpback whales, cucumbers that walk, shiny sharks and jelly-like blobfish. Can't take any more pressure? That's OK, jump in a submersible!


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