Octopus Publishing

The Australian Women's Weekly - Low Carb Less Fat: An Everyday Diet For a Healthy Lifestyle

型號: science0023
存貨狀態: Out Of Stock
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關鍵字 The Australian Women Weekly Health Cooking Recipe Teens

It's no secret the high-fat, high-sugar, high-carb, highly-processed food western society is eating these day has led to myriad weight and health problems. Most of us, at one time or another, have tried to lose a few unwanted kilos. The good news now is many people are finding that eating low-carb, which reduces refined carbs from the diet, is helping to meet that goal. There's no cutting back on food here, just substituting those kilo-dense, nutrient-poor carbs with delicious, fresh, minimally-refined produce. Not only does reducing refined carbs help with some weight loss, but more importantly, it leads to a healthier more sustainable way of eating every day, and you'll feel better for it.


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